Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cheeseburger Cupcakes

Cheeseburger Cupcakes
Originally uploaded by KateDW
Ok, it's not like I'm suggesting that you sprint to the grocery for all necessary cupcake ingrediants, HOWEVER, these are probably the most awesome cupcakes, ever. When I was about ten , I had a cheeseburger birthday cake much like these, which i find strange, since I have alwAys hated cheeseburgers. Yes, even as a child, i was terrified of ground "meat". I do like the idea of the cheeseburger- easy to eat blah blah, and probably the idea of a sunny, carefree picnic isn't so bad either. Whatever it is, I just love cakes made to look like cheeseburgers. If you click on the pic above , and then snoop around , you will find the directions on how to make your very own beef themed treats! Enjoy!