Friday, November 6, 2009

wedding photography is so pretty

Originally uploaded by JessAndTheCity
i've been working on a lot of non-wedding things lately and i actually forgot how pretty they are. sweet.

Monday, November 2, 2009

ben & jerry's > nancy grace

banana split
Originally uploaded by JessAndTheCity
i finally cracked my netflix password, so now i need some recommendations. i like documentaries and quirky comedies.

i'd really like ben & jerry's and/or entemann's donuts to accompany me on this cinematic journey, but earlier nancy grace told me i wasn't allowed to go shopping after dark or else a serial killer might get me!

i just have to ask, where were the parents?!

Nancy Bird, London, 1939 / by unknown photographer

whatever! how come we never get to hear about nancy bird? she looks pretty amazing to me. why is it always amelia earhart this, and amelia earhart that?

in other news..

they are selling 'aviator' caps at target. not sure how i feel about this. i'll wear one in my side car, maybe.